Your Family-Owned Mechanical Company
To say that Pro Tec Mechanical is a family business would be an understatement. Now in its third generation of family ownership and operation, the family has worked hard to become your trusted millwright, piping, fabrication, and material handling system professionals.
Meet the Team
The Waldo family motto is: “Do the right thing.” It’s a simple, yet strong statement that embodies everything we do.
Darren Waldo
Part-Owner, President, Chief Executive Officer
Pro Tec is Darren’s life work. He started working for the company as soon as he was old enough, sweeping floors, organizing materials, and later working in the field. He’s shifted to an operational role and oversees sales, teams, job sites, and more. Now, his son Kyler will begin transitioning to take over his responsibilities with retirement in Darren’s future plans.
Caren Waldo
Part-Owner, Secretary, Chief Financial Officer
Caren joined Pro Tec in 1987. Under the guidance of Darren’s mother, Judy, she began taking over the accounting responsibilities. When Judy retired, Caren digitized the company, moving everything online. Now, she handles everything from job costing to receivables, taxes, and other behind-the-scenes business necessities.
Kyler Waldo
Part-Owner, Vice President, Chief Operating Officer
Like his father, Kyler Waldo was introduced to Pro Tec Mechanical at a young age. He started working with the company in high school as a tradesman, where he worked on job sites setting up and laying pipes for customers. For several years, Kyler worked in the construction field, where he gained valuable hands-on experience. He currently handles the operational aspects of the business with his father.
Tawny Taylor
Administrative Assistant
The family business is in Tawny’s veins. As a child, she would write her name on business cards and pass them out to employees and family. She got her start at the company cleaning offices, organizing paperwork, and filing. After running her own company for a number of years, Tawny officially joined the family business full time in 2018. She is math-minded and the perfect person to take over the company’s books.
In addition to the office staff, we have employees who work hard in the field to bring your dreams to fruition.
A Look at Our History
Pro-Tec Mechanical Milestones:
1980: David’s son and current owner, Darren, starts working at the company after school and over summer breaks.
1984: Darren officially joins the company, working on job sites and learning the operational ropes.
1986: David Waldo becomes sole owner of the company.
1987: Caren Waldo, current part-owner, secretary and CFO, joins the company and begins learning the financial aspects of the business from Darren’s mother Judy.
1992: Judy and David Waldo retire, passing the torch to Caren and Darren Waldo.
1999: Darren and Caren purchase the business from Darren’s parents Judy and David.
2013: Darren and Caren’s daughter, Tawny Taylor, joins the company part time as an administrative assistant.
2014: Kyler Waldo, Darren and Caren’s son, joins the company as a tradesman. He pursued some other opportunities before rejoining the company later.
2018: Tawny joins the company fulltime and begins learning the business accounting processes.
2022: Kyler rejoins the family business as a Part-Owner, Vice President, and Chief Operating Officer.